T-Shirt Design

To date I have designed 6 t-shirts since 2013, all featured on this page!

I was a member of the Portland Megaband from 2011 until 2018, and played my ukulele in the rhythm section. Below is my 2017 t-shirt design for the Portland Magaband Contra Dance on March 11, 2017 at the PSU Smith Memorial Ballroom.  The notes over the arch are from the Galician Waltz, "O Son Do Ar," we played that night, just one night before the full moon!  

I happily designed 5 t-shirts for the Megaband, and one t-shirt for my 2013 family reunion on Bambridge Island in Washington.  The dates are included on each shirt. 

Portland Megaband has 2 t-shirts for 2016, both designed by me.  Sue Songer, our director got permission from the Portlandia statue artist, Raymond Kaskey, to use the statue image in the first design! 

The bear playing banjo and fox playing the saxiphone were inspired by a "Make Music not War" bumber sticker i saw while driving home one afternoon.

My 2015 t-shirt design for the Portland Megaband!

Below are images of my T-shirt designs from 2013.   Two designs are for the Portland Megaband,  where I play my ukulele.   The lower design was for a family reunion the summer of 2013 on Bainbridge Island, Washington.


  1. Very helpful post.I hope this one goes viral. Now buy corporate t shirts for men for your organization. we specialize in are 100% organic and fair trade certified cotton.

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